Hello, readers!
We hope your weekend has been a truly fantastic and magical one. Start any enticing books or stories? What was your reaction when you read the first line? Does that make or break a story for you? For us, the answer is yes. Before we purchase or borrow a book or story, we always read the first line. If it doesn't hook us from the start, how can it promise to hook us until the end?
Today's post is all about first lines and how they impact a story. First lines set the mood of your story, the writing style, and, most importantly, should grab your reader immediately. What makes them want to read on?
With this in mind, we want to start a series of images and lines from Young Adult Fantasy books, novellas, and stories that are examples of outstanding hooks. To be the best writer you can be, you must read in your genre. If you read or write YA Fantasy, then this series may help you in a jam. So pay attention!
We also want your help. After all, the more the merrier! We haven't read every YA Fantasy book under the sun, so if you know a great first line, comment below! It doesn't need to be deep or soul-changing, just something that makes you want to read on.
Our #HookSeriesYA will only be featured on our Twitter and Tumblr pages. Occasionally we may post updates to Facebook. If you have any suggestions or questions, comment below or email us at realms.litmag@gmail.com with the subject "YA Hook."
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